Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chunky Yet Funky

So, for my first blog of all time, I figured I would try to tackle something very close to me, something meaningful, and something that I will most likely be dealing with for the rest of my life. That issue is my addiction to food.

I have never been one of the skinny kids. I have always had issues with my weight, and seeing the scale jump back and forth is nothing new to me. It is not the worst addiction to have, but it is an addiction none the less. I can't seem to put food down. I could eat Dominos every day of the week, I can smash some chick filet or taco bell at any time, and please do not leave tasty cakes or pecan swirls in front of me or I go into vacuum mode, and away they go. I have tried weight loss supplements, diet pills, dieting, and nothing works. The more I eat healthy, the more I want junk food. It is an issue. Now don't get me wrong, I have no issue being the weight and size that I am, hence my blog title of chunky yet funky. Those who know me, know that I am very active, most of the time I am in a great mood, and my weight does not keep me from doing anything. However, I am not healthy hefty, I am headed down a bad lifestyle large. I truly cannot put food down. I feel the more that I say it, the more pathetic it sounds, but none the less, its still an issue.

I joined the gym in June of last year. Was going almost every day. In three months I had gone from 248 to 215. I stopped going to the gym in November, I felt amazing. High energy as always, smaller clothes, my motivation was great, and I finally felt like I had my shit in order. Now, I am sitting here now in April, and I have made my way back to 242. I have no drive to work out, nor do I have the drive to eat a healthier diet. I have no idea how to get it back. I have no motivational mindset to get my life together on this subject and it sucks. One day I will get up early, head out to the gym and hope for a revival, to get back to what I now know that I can do, but even sitting here right now, all I can think about is ice cream. I am not even hungry, and all I can think about is food.

It may not be the worst addiction, as I said before, but an addiction none the less. This issue has been on my mind quite often lately, and I couldn't think of a more appropriate topic to use as my first official blog. I hope you enjoy my venting, and stay tuned. I am sure now that I have finished one blog, there will be many more to come.
